Wolverhampton Film Makers meets every Friday evening - all the year round
When and where do you meet?
Location the club meets on Friday nights at:
The Fallings Park Methodist Church Community Centre,
Wimborne Road,
WV10 0NS (see map)
We meet all the year round at 7.30pm. All meetings are very friendly and informal.
There is off-road car parking.
Can I visit before deciding to be a member?
Visitors very welcome all we ask is £3.00 towards the room
hire and to cover refreshments.
We have members of all abilities and a very friendly welcome is guaranteed.
Do I need an expensive camera or equipment?
Not at all. You can even make a video film using a smartphone or a simple digital camera.
Our members use all sorts of equipment and will help you get started.
What are the benefits of membership?
Inexpensive membership annual subscription is just £20
per member.
A full programme on Friday evenings during September to April, with informal tuition and guidance meetings throughout the summer.
Competitions, demonstrations, practical hands-on sessions. Practical help and advice from experienced members.
Free use of the Trackline copyright-free music library in your films.
The advice, expertise and friendship of all the other members. We are a friendly, informal club.
Various social events during the year such as Fish and Chip nights, Curry nights and Christmas buffet specials.
Everyone is very welcome - The club is very aware that there is a wide range of video ability and experience within its membership. Consequently, the programme is devised so that it has a wide-ranging appeal. Friendly, informal advice is always available.
Basic video editing software is free These days computers are used to a great extent in video editing and most computers include free basic editing software. However, more advanced editing software is available and is great fun to learn. Dont hesitate to ask for help if you require it. We are a very friendly, helpful club.
Most still cameras and modern mobile phones also record video these days, so you can almost certainly start making a film straight away.
Come and meet us and see for yourself.
Still photography
If you
also have an interest in still photography, Wolverhampton also has a
Photographic Society which meets on a Tuesday evening. More